Each Tabata program can be tailored to your needs and the results you want to achieve. You just have to be creative and know the exercises that can be practiced together.
For people who want to lose weight, I advise you to follow a Tabata cardio program or a Tabata full body.
You can also vary the type of Tabata workout you will be doing during the week to train in different ways. This will allow you to progress more quickly.
In short, with a Tabata program, there is always a solution that can suit you.
Tabata cardio program
The first program is obviously the most popular and the most traditional. This is the Tabata cardio program that I have written a lot about before.
This program consists mainly of exercises that will increase your heart rate, develop your lung capacity and burn a lot of calories.
The best exercises to practice during this session are those that will recruit as much muscle as possible. This means that almost the whole body should be in motion. There are in particular the burpees.
In addition, there are also the exercises during which you can have a lot of repetitions (because you can be very fast). In this case, the jumping jacks are a very good example.
Upper Body Tabata Program
Are you looking for a fast and intense workout dedicated only to the upper body?
This Tabata program basically includes exercises for the shoulders, arms, back and pecs.
The exercises to focus on during this session are push-ups, dips, triceps extensions, skull crushers, bird and military press.
You can only do bodyweight exercises. However, I recommend that you get a pair of dumbbells from Amazon in order to make this program more effective.
Having a weight or resistance will allow you to progress faster, because your body will be more in difficulty.
However, consider choosing suitable weights. It is important that you can do a lot of reps in a very short period of time. This is why you should use a weight that you control.
Programma Tabata bodybuilding
Tabata isn't just for weight loss or cardio training. You can also use this training method to build muscle.
Just target one part of the body by choosing exercises that are quick to do.
Add to that a pair of dumbbells or a kettlebell to put more difficulty and voila!
You are probably wondering what makes a Tabata program to help you build muscle? It's simple !
During a regular workout, you do 4 or 5 sets of 8 squats and take 1 minute to 2 minutes of rest.
This means that you do between 32 and 40 repetitions in total.
During a Tabata bodybuilding program, you will do 8 exercises at a rate of 20 seconds per exercise. It is estimated that during this time, you are able to do between 10 and 12 repetitions.
This means that during a single set of Tabata, you will do between 80 and 96 repetitions!
With almost 100 reps in 4 minutes, that's more than double what you normally do. This way, you will destroy more muscle fibers and your muscles will become more powerful.
You now understand why it is possible to build muscle with a Tabata bodybuilding program .
Tabata program for beginners
A Tabata session for beginners is practiced in the same way as any other Tabata program. I have explained it in this article .
The stopwatch does not change, which means that we are still on 20 seconds of exercise for 10 seconds of rest.
On the other hand, the exercises are obviously adapted and the number of repetitions will also be less important. Which makes training a little easier.
This allows you to get used to this training method can be very intense when done correctly and at full power.
I suggest here a Tabata program for beginners to do at home. During this session, we will do 3 rounds of 8 exercises. You won't need any equipment to do this workout! Let's go !
Tabata abs program
Want to specifically target the abs with a Tabata session? No problem !
There are so many abs exercises without equipment that it is very easy to do a Tabata Abs program.
On the other hand, it is always necessary to make sure to work all the parts of the abs (and yes… it is not only the tablets that count).
It is important to work the obliques, the lower abs, the transverse, the rectus femoris and to do some sheathing. How to succeed in targeting everything?
By varying the exercises and working in different ways.
For example, by doing rapid repetitions (jack knife or crunch), by increasing the range of motion (leg lifting and V-up), by working with rotations (russian twist, windshield wiper) and finally, by maintaining static positions (board and boat).
Just with these examples, you already have 8 abs exercises. This is perfect for doing a Tabata Abs program!
Click on the link if you would like more information on a Tabata abs program !
As you may have discovered, there is a Tabata program for everyone! It doesn't matter what goals you want to achieve.
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