12 Simple And Effective Tabata Exercises


How many times have you had to choose a Tabata exercise that is not at all suitable for the program? You find yourself doing just 3 or 4 reps in 20 seconds and that ruins your entire workout.

The easiest way is to do simple, bodyweight exercises that you are 100% in control of. For example explosive squats, knee lifts, push-ups, jumping jacks, etc.

The goal being to do a maximum of repetitions in 20 seconds, it is very important to choose the right exercises to make your training intense and very effective.

1. Mountain climber

Sprinting in place is a great way to work the cardio, abs, and legs, but it also burns calories.

This is why the mountain climber is a very good Tabata exercise. Especially during a Tabata cardio program.

Get into a hand plank position and sprint as fast as you can for 20 seconds!

Tip: Turn your hands slightly outward to lean forward a bit.

2. Explosive squats

A simple, quick movement is super effective in burning the thighs.

Thanks to this exercise, your legs will be refined, the orange peel will fade and your muscles will be drawn more and more!

There are three levels of difficulty for this exercise. Start by doing normal squats.

When it gets too easy, do jump squats.

Finally, to make the exercise even more effective, do jump squats and bring your knees up to your chest.

Tip: Even when it burns, be careful to do a real squat and try to jump as high as you can.

3. Jump lunges

To do the jump lunges correctly, it takes a lot more strength and power than for explosive squats.

If you've ever tried to do it, you probably know that it is very easy to get out of balance. We often find ourselves putting a hand on the ground so as not to fall, or we put our arms on the side to regain balance.

Once this hurdle has been cleared, your legs and glutes will develop at a surprising rate!

Doing as many reps as possible in 20 seconds can also work on your cardio.

Tip: Look ahead and make sure you always have good ground support before jumping.

5. Jump twist

Very little known and yet very useful in a Tabata program for beginners who want to lose weight or a Tabata cardio.

To do this exercise, just jump in place and turn your body from side to side quickly.

Thanks to this exercise, you will develop your abs, refine your figure, and work your cardio.

Tip: Synchronizing your movements is the key to successfully doing more reps.

6. Knee lift

Basic cardio exercise that was so easy to do when we were little.

Knee lifts haven't changed, but we have!

Today, we are no longer 10 years old and we no longer weigh 15kg. As soon as you start to do it again, you will quickly find that it is harder than in your memories.

It is perfect as a Tabata exercise because it will work your cardio as well as your legs and abs.

Tip: Remember to always raise your knees! This is most important, even when fatigue sets in.

7. Heels to buttocks

You have surely seen a lot of athletes doing this movement. Very often, footballers as well as basketball players practice it during warm-ups.

For us, it will be a cardio exercise since we will do a maximum of repetitions in 20 seconds.

You can combine it with jump lunges or explosive squats, as they are complimentary.

Tip: Put your hands on your butt and make sure your heels touch them with each repetition. This will allow the pistachios to be worked in depth.

8. Active board

Do you find that staying in a plank position doesn't work your abs a lot and doesn't belong in Tabata exercises?

Don't be so sure! Add a little movement and the board immediately becomes more intense.

You just have to jump to spread and bring the feet together for 20 seconds.

Tip: Keep your glutes down so you don't end up ina downward dog position.

9. Scissors

This exercise may seem easy since you remain seated on the floor.

On the contrary, you will feel your abs and upper legs working a lot.

To do this Tabata exercise, you can either be lying on your back with your hands on your buttocks or resting on your elbows.

Tip: Bend your knees slightly to make this exercise easier. To make it more difficult, fully extend your legs.

10. V-up

Doing sit-ups during a Tabata workout helps increase your heart rate.

Nothing better as an exercise than the V-up. It's a Tabata exercise that will burn your abs and melt away abdominal fat.

To do this movement, you must be lying on the floor with your arms straight behind your head. Raise your legs together with your arms, touch your ankles, and return to the starting position.

Tip: Start by lifting your legs to see if you have enough strength in your abs. When you master this movement, try the V-up.

11. Burpees

Doing burpees is incredibly effective for building muscle and losing weight. There are even challenges in the fitness community because this exercise allows you to get results quickly.

When done correctly, they can be very tiring. This is why burpees have their place in the best Tabata exercises.

Before including burpees in a Tabata and to realize how great they are for building your fitness, try doing 20 non-stop with a timer!

Be careful, however, that this exercise is difficult and that the Tabata method is an intense training method. This is why I advise you not to practice every day and to take a day of rest the day after your session.

Tip: Lower yourself by bending your legs and then put your hands on the floor. Avoid leaning too far forward, as this puts a lot of strain on the lower back.

12. Pumps

Do you know the pumps? Obviously, everyone knows them and everyone has tried to do it at least once in their life.

This is one of the most basic and well-known exercises around. And yet, it is one of the best exercises for working the arms, shoulders, and pecs.

This is why I always include it in my upper body Tabata programs.

How many push-ups can you do in 20 seconds?

Tip: During the descent, the arms are spread out like the wings of an airplane. The elbows are not stuck to your body and they are not splayed out in a “T” shape.


From now on, your Tabata sessions will be faster and much more intense thanks to these exercises.

Consider varying your workouts, varying the exercises, and especially taking days off to let your muscles rest.

If you are looking for program ideas or advice, I suggest you discover other articles:

  • Tabata method for beginners who want to lose weight
  • Tabata bodybuilding: a stronger and firmer body
  • The Surprising Benefits And Advantages Of The Tabata Method


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