The Surprising Benefits And Advantages Of The Tabata Method


Have you been told that to improve your physique you are going to have to spend hours in the gyms? And all this, only because you have gained stomach during these last few months or because you no longer fit in your old jeans? Or because you are not very muscular? It's wrong! And that's why I decided to tell you about the benefits and advantages of the Tabata workout.

I spent a lot of time in theaters trying to achieve goals that I thought were easy for everyone but me. I experienced disappointments and moments of doubt, but I always tried to persevere. Despite all of this, the results I was getting were never up to my expectations.

Today, I am a sports coach and I understood my mistakes. To avoid a long painful journey, I suggest you try the Tabata method. Thanks to this type of training, you will quickly lose inches around your waist, improve your physical condition and your cardio, gain muscle, and all this in less than 30 minutes per workout!

The benefits and advantages of Tabata for weight loss

A 24-minute session of Tabata is enough to burn more calories than 2 hours of running. Also, the way your body uses these calories is not at all the same. This will result in accelerating your weight loss. This makes the Tabata method excellent for losing weight without training for 2 hours every day.

During a run, you will adopt what is called "a cruising speed". Your body will get used to it and so will your breathing.

This is why after a while, your body will be able to transform the oxygen you breathe into energy to be able to continue your race. This burnt energy, therefore, becomes the 1 st source of combustion and fat is only secondary.

The difference with the Tabata is that you are working out exercises of maximum intensity, but of short duration.

So your body doesn't have time to adapt and burn oxygen for energy. All the resources he will need to continue training will be drawn directly from the fat mass.

Also, once your workout is finished, your body should stabilize, return to normal, and repair the muscle fibers that have been damaged. To do this, your body will continue to burn calories.

Thanks to this principle, you will be able to lose weight effectively and fairly quickly. The key is to be able to train at such intensity and choose the right exercises.

The Tabata method helps to increase muscle mass

When the exercises are correctly chosen, a Tabata workout will help build muscle mass as well as strength. For example, if you decide to work the pecs and triceps, you can choose to do 8 exercises that specifically target these muscles.

Imagine that you are going to spend 24 minutes doing a high-intensity workout always using the same muscles. The muscle fibers will be damaged and the muscles will be totally congested. There will be a rush of blood to the muscles and once at the 3 rd series, you'll start to push your limits.

The increase in muscle mass can be done through a Tabata workout as it will shock your body. You will never have done so many different repetitions and exercises in such a short time.

The most important thing is to continue when it hurts by choosing a lighter weight or making an easier variation. That is if you start doing push-ups on the feet, but at 12 seconds you can't push, you have to change to continue.

Get on your knees and push your limits! There are 8 seconds left to reach the famous 20 seconds, so you can't stop yet!

This is how you will get results and above all, increase your muscle mass. A Tabata workout is tough, but to reap the benefits and rewards, you have to give it you're all.

Incredible time-saving! 30 minutes to do a full workout

This is not a boon, but one of the biggest advantages the Tabata method has to offer! You can exercise quickly and see the results!

If you do a full session, i.e. 4 sets of 8 exercises, it will take you 24 minutes.

How do I count this?

  • 20 seconds of exercises and 10 seconds the time to change exercises = 30 seconds
  • 30 seconds multiplied by 8 exercises = 4 minutes
  • Between each set, you take 2 minutes of rest
  • This gives us 6 minutes for the 1 st series.
  • I multiply those 6 minutes by 4, so I get 24 minutes of training.

That being said, I still recommend doing a warm-up before doing this type of workout. This will allow you to avoid injury and above all, to maximize the effects of the training.

It is well known that we perform best when our heart rate is already prepared for exercise.

When runners or cyclists prepare for a race, they will do a 15 to 20-minute warm-up before starting. This helps prepare the body not to start cold.

To warm-up, you can do 5 minutes of rower, elliptical, or air bike (Crossfit bike with the propeller).

The Tabata method helps increase cardiovascular capacity

The more you practice the Tabata workout, the more you will improve your cardio. Indeed, the Tabata protocol helps to develop lung capacities. This is how much oxygen your lungs can hold.

This means that the more oxygen you can inhale, the better your cardio will be. Also, it will have a beneficial impact on your circulation and blood pressure as well as your heart rate.

Always remember to warm-up well before doing this type of training and especially to take the time to adapt if you are a beginner. This is very important because it will allow you to go further in your effort and above all, it will prevent you from injury.

Also, if you suffer from any health problem, always ask your doctor for advice before trying any physical activity. The benefits and perks of a Tabata workout are many, which is why I don't want this to turn into a nightmare.

We're talking about intense physical activity that will push the body to its limits and that will require a lot of energy.

On average, when you do a Tabata workout, you very quickly find yourself training at 80-90% of your physical capacity for 24 minutes.

The goal is for you to get results, so be aware of the physical activity you are about to start.

Tabata workouts get results quickly

I have already spoken a little about it previously. What makes this workout so popular is that it taps into the resources the body stores daily. It is obviously about the fats which are dispersed between the thighs, the buttocks, the belly, and the handles of loves.

By practicing Tabata training 3x per week, you can achieve serious results within a few weeks. Add to that a dietary rebalancing, you will be amazed at how incredible the effects of Tabata can be in such a short period of time.

If you want to reap the benefits and benefits of the Tabata Method, your body must be prepared. Therefore, you must follow a fitness program beforehand.

Exercising is one thing, but exercising to achieve your goals is another. The people you see on social media who have a dream figure work very hard. Also, they train with regularly updated programs to continue to progress.

As a sports coach, I am here to help you achieve your goals. You too deserve to have the figure you've always dreamed of. Follow the steps one after the other and everything will turn out for the best!


The Tabata method allows rapid and quality results to be achieved. Either way, it is still very important to match your training diet to your primary goal.

By practicing only 30 minutes 2 to 3x per week, you will manage to decrease your fat mass and to become stronger. In addition to that, you will improve your cardiovascular capacities. This will have a huge impact on your health.

There are many benefits and benefits to following a Tabata program that many other training methods cannot.

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