The benefits and harms of doing fitness

The benefits and harms of doing fitness

Combining many directions, fitness classes pursue two goals at once - changing forms, body weight and general healing of the body. To achieve them, you need to exercise regularly. However, fitness is not easy at the gym. This is something more - a lifestyle and philosophy, thanks to which a person improves his physical form and strengthens his health. Adherents of fitness tirelessly insist on the benefits of exercise, and their opponents consider intense physical activity harmful to health. The truth, as usual, is in the middle.

Fitness Benefits

“Movement is life!” - said the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle and vivid proof of that occupation in the gym. Regular training is extremely beneficial for the physical shape of the body and beneficial for the body. Among the obvious advantages of fitness, the following effects can be distinguished.

Losing extra pounds, normalizing weight and forming the desired shape.
Increasing the body's resistance to negative environmental factors and strengthening immunity.
Neutralization of the negative effects of stress, relieving nervous tension, improving sleep and psychoemotional state.
Accelerating metabolic reactions and improving metabolism.
Improvement of blood circulation, prevention of cardiovascular diseases, thrombosis and varicose veins of the lower extremities.
Slowing down the processes of natural aging.
Improvement of the musculoskeletal system, prevention of osteochondrosis, arthritis and osteoporosis.
Development of flexibility, endurance, strength, a sense of balance, coordination of movements, speed of reaction and attention.
Improving self-esteem and self-confidence.
In practice, it has been proven that fitness classes are useful not only for the figure, but also help to abandon bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse), adjust your diet and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Fitness for women allows you to recover faster after childbirth and avoid the development of postpartum depression. Regular training is also beneficial for men's health - this is an excellent prevention of non-specific prostatitis, congestion in the pelvic organs and erectile dysfunctions.

Tips for Effective Fitness

Group classes or home workouts?
“To be in good shape” is the literal translation of the English verb “to fit”, from which the concept of “fitness” came from. Combining many directions, fitness classes pursue two goals at once - changing forms, body weight and general healing of the body. To achieve them, you need to exercise regularly. However, fitness is not easy at the gym. This is something more - a lifestyle and philosophy, thanks to which a person improves his physical form and strengthens his health. Adherents of fitness tirelessly insist on the benefits of exercise, and their opponents consider intense physical activity harmful to health. The truth, as usual, is in the middle.
“Movement is life!” - said the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle and vivid proof of that occupation in the gym. Regular training is extremely
Losing extra pounds, normalizing weight and forming the desired shape.
Increasing the body's resistance to negative environmental factors and strengthening immunity.
Neutralization of the negative effects of stress, relieving nervous tension, improving sleep and psychoemotional state.
Accelerating metabolic reactions and improving metabolism.
Improvement of blood circulation, prevention of cardiovascular diseases, thrombosis and varicose veins of the lower extremities.
Slowing down the processes of natural aging.
Improvement of the musculoskeletal system, prevention of osteochondrosis, arthritis and osteoporosis.
Development of flexibility, endurance, strength, a sense of balance, coordination of movements, speed of reaction and attention.
Improving self-esteem and self-confidence.
In practice, it has been proven that fitness classes are useful not only for the figure, but also help to abandon bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse), adjust your diet and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Fitness for women allows you to recover faster after childbirth and avoid the development of postpartum depression. Regular training is also beneficial for men's health - this is an excellent prevention of non-specific prostatitis, congestion in the pelvic organs and erectile dysfunctions.

Recent studies by physicians at Harvard University (USA) have shown that regular exercise, diet, and giving up bad habits prolong a person’s life for 10 years or more. The experiment involved 40,000 mature volunteers who were monitored over the past 30 years. The average life expectancy of project participants leading a healthy lifestyle and regularly attending the gym was 90 years. While the subjects who led the usual lifestyle lived on average only up to 77 years.

Contraindications and harm to fitness
"Everything is good, in moderation," the "father of medicine", the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, considered to be right. Excessive enthusiasm for physical activity in the gym can trigger the development of addiction. After all, sports activities contribute to the active production of endorphins - chemical compounds whose action is similar to the effect of opiates on the human body. An excess of endorphins is able to enter the body into a state of mild euphoria. After visiting the gym, a person experiences positive emotions, joy and happiness, and when you skip 1 - 2 workouts, he begins to “break”. The consequences of this dependence can be unpredictable for the psycho-emotional state. And given the fact that fitness addicts often exhaust their bodies with questionable diets, this negatively affects not only the psyche, but also the physical health of the person.

We must not forget about contraindications to fitness. These include the following diseases and conditions of the body.

Organic heart disease.
Oncological pathologies.
Severe injuries of the musculoskeletal system.
Varicose veins.
Chronic diseases in the acute stage.
Recent inflammation and surgery.
Therefore, before starting classes, a consultation with the attending physician is necessary. If they will be conducted under the guidance of a fitness trainer, then you need to warn your mentor about the doctor's possible recommendations. This will help you choose the right set of exercises and exercise regimen.

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